
Creating Virtual Environments in Python: A Step-by-Step Guide

Python is a versatile programming language widely used for developing web applications, data science projects, automation scripts, and more. One of the best practices when working with Python projects is to use virtual environments. A virtual environment helps isolate project dependencies, ensuring that each project has access to its own specific libraries and versions, avoiding conflicts with other projects.

In this guide, you’ll learn why virtual environments are essential and how to create and manage them effectively.

Why Use Virtual Environments?

Imagine you are working on multiple Python projects, each with different package requirements. One project might need Django 3.0, while another requires Django 4.0. Installing them globally on your system could cause version conflicts, leading to bugs or breaking your projects.

A virtual environment resolves this by creating an isolated Python environment for each project, with its own directory for libraries and packages. This means you can work on multiple projects simultaneously without worrying about dependency conflicts.

Benefits of Virtual Environments:
  1. Isolated dependencies: Each project has its own Python environment.
  2. Cleaner package management: Avoids global installations that may interfere with system Python packages.
  3. Easy collaboration: Using requirements.txt allows others to replicate your project environment easily.
  4. Multiple versions: Work with different versions of the same package for different projects.

How to Create a Virtual Environment in Python

Python comes with built-in support for creating virtual environments using the venv module. Below is a step-by-step process to create and manage a virtual environment.

Step 1: Check Python Installation

Before creating a virtual environment, ensure Python is installed on your system. Run the following command:


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python --version

If Python is installed, this will display the version. If not, you’ll need to install Python first.

Step 2: Create a Virtual Environment

You can create a virtual environment using the venv module. Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to your project folder. Then, run:


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python -m venv env

  • env: This is the name of the virtual environment. You can name it anything you like.

After executing this command, a new folder named env will be created in your project directory. This folder contains the Python interpreter and libraries isolated from the global environment.

Step 3: Activate the Virtual Environment

Once the virtual environment is created, you need to activate it to start using it. The activation command depends on your operating system. 

On Windows:


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On macOS/Linux:


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source env/bin/activate

Once activated, you should see the virtual environment’s name (env) at the beginning of your command line, indicating you are now working within that environment.


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(env) yourusername@yourmachine:~/yourproject$

Step 4: Install Packages

With the virtual environment activated, you can install packages using pip, and they will be installed only within the virtual environment, not globally.

For example, to install Django, you would run:


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pip install django

You can check the installed packages with:


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pip list

Step 5: Freezing Requirements

If you want to share your project with others or deploy it on another machine, it’s helpful to list all the packages your project needs in a requirements.txt file. This file can be generated with:


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pip freeze > requirements.txt

This creates a requirements.txt file with a list of all installed packages and their versions. Anyone who wants to replicate your environment can run:


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pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 6: Deactivating the Virtual Environment

When you’re done working, you can deactivate the virtual environment by running:


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This will return you to your system’s default Python environment.

Step 7: Deleting the Virtual Environment

If you no longer need a virtual environment, simply delete the env folder:


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rm -rf env  # On macOS/Linuxrmdir /S /Q env  # On Windows

This will completely remove the virtual environment from your system.

Managing Virtual Environments with virtualenv and conda

While venv is the most commonly used method for managing virtual environments, there are other popular tools you might want to explore:

    virtualenv: A widely-used alternative that provides more flexibility, especially for older Python versions.

    Install virtualenv via pip:  


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    pip install virtualenv

    Then create a virtual environment similarly: 


        Copy code

          virtualenv myenv

            conda: A package management and environment management tool often used in data science and machine learning.

            To create a virtual environment with conda, run:


            Copy code

            conda create --name myenv

            Best Practices for Using Virtual Environments

            • Create a virtual environment for every project: Keep dependencies organized and avoid conflicts.
            • Use requirements.txt: Always generate a requirements.txt file to make your project easy to share and deploy.
            • Automate environment creation: Consider using tools like pipenv or Poetry for streamlined virtual environment and dependency management.
            • Deactivate when not needed: To avoid confusion, deactivate the virtual environment when you’re finished working.


            Virtual environments are a powerful feature in Python, allowing you to manage dependencies efficiently and avoid conflicts between projects. By isolating environments, you ensure that each project has the libraries and versions it needs, resulting in cleaner, more maintainable code. Whether you’re working on web development, data science, or automation, using virtual environments is a best practice that will save you time and hassle in the long run.

            Start using virtual environments today, and experience the ease of managing Python projects effortlessly!

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